Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Losing Iran?

It is too early to say that and I hope the U.S. talk with Iran will not result in security guaranties for the Iranian regime but it reminds me of Iraq in 1991, the massacres of Kurds in the north and Shi'a in the south by Saddam's forces. Is it what is happening here? I guess with a regime lobby begging U.S. to talk with a regime that commits human rights crimes, we can't expect much! After all when the Iranian regime rejects the offer the United States can say it has tried everything!
Amir Taheri stands by his report

Guy Dinmore: US President George W. Bush and Tony Blair, the UK prime minister, have received separate background briefings from Iranian opposition activists, including one visitor to the White House on Tuesday who caused a storm earlier this month by reporting Iran had passed a law requiring Jews to wear special identification.
Iran: Special Offer

Iranian citizens are butchered, processed and packed but hey let us watch the World Cup!

Nothing happens. I walk by the Central Park
Next to nothing, and the no flight zone is
Just nothing yet throat slides over throat,
Bullets shut and blood drops. Here nothing happens
But I write to keep nothing from overloading nothing.

Condoleezza Rice: "Washington willing to join other nations in negotiations with Tehran if Muslim republic agrees to stop nuclear development."

What about the Iranian regime's human rights abuse cases?
نامه سنديکای شرکت واحد تهران به دبيرکل سازمان بين المللی کار و دبير کل فدراسين جهانی کارگران حمل و نقل

در این نامه نوشته شده است که صد و پنجاه نفر از کارگران شرکت واحد به دلیل اعتراضات صنفی بیکار شده اند و از دریافت هرگونه دستمزد و حقوقی محروم شده اند.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Iran Focus: "The United States will fall from its global stature and global power will end up in the hands of Asian countries in the next decade, a top Iranian official said on Tuesday."

Imagine that! If instead of U.S. troops there were religious fundamentalists with their human hating mindset, and Chinese or North Korean soldiers marching from one country to another!
Iran: Freedom March

Ethnic groups with the same nationality identify with each other based on common grounds. They can be united through their linguistic, behavioral, cultural, or religion. It is unfortunate that a country like Iran is not more known for its originality as well as today's reality. A Westerner may be well educated on Near Eastern studies, be familiar with the past and present conflicts in the Middle East as well as Iran's unique geopolitical influence yet not have the vision to see the layers of the Iranian society. Azeris constitute around 24% of the population. This is an influential minority with strong ties to bazaar, military, and other important organs. This is not a minority that this or any other regime can mistreat and get away with so easily. We are witnessing an era when religious and secular ideologies have lost their social base to a great extent. The only thing that can glue the Iranian society is nationalism. Of the existing brands of nationalism, the one based on pre-Islamic past can be effective but is ineffectual at present because the way of representation matters, and the Mossadegh nationalism is rather irrelevant in the age of globalization. A national awareness based on respect for the diversity of the Iranian society is needed. The Islamic regime cannot be part of the solution as it is the biggest obstacle to creation of such national awareness. Otherwise, the future could look bleaker than ever.

وقتی همه ایدولوژیهای وارداتی (چپ و راست) و بازی مذهب، شکست خورده اند و ملی گراها هم با بازی های غیر ملموس نتوانسته اند گذشته را در امروز به زور وارد کنند، وقتی در دنیای امروز که در حال جهانی شدن (گلوبالیزه) است و سرمایه ها از کشوری به کشور دیگر منتقل می شوند، مصدقیان هنوز در دوره ضد استعماری شصت سال پیش غوطه ورند آنهم در حالیکه ایران به شکلی که امروز می شناسیم در حال فروپاشی است، وقتی بزرگترین دغدغه جوان ایرانی داشتن آزادیهای فردی هست و بازار و اقتصاد آزادی که همراه آن جوان ایرانی هم بتواند حق زیستن و انتخاب و کار داشته باشد، چشمهایمان را به روی چه حقیقتی می بندیم؟

وقتی در مملکتی تغییر حکومت می شود، همیشه آن عده که می بینند نمی توانند به تنهایی جنایتکاران رژیمی را از ارتکاب جنایت بازدارند و تحمل زیست و کنار آمدن با آن را هم ندارند، وقتی قدرت تغییر به صورت ملی ندارند، به تغییرات فردی دست می زنند. مثل بسیاری ازشهروندان ایرانی که از میهن خود به ممالک دیگر مهاجرت کرده اند. همه چیز باید مفهوم عملی داشته باشد حتی ملی گرایی!

Monday, May 29, 2006

...according to this blog Abed Tavancheh, a student at Amir Kabir university and a blogger may have been arrested.
Next time anyone wants to get published without a petition signed against him for falseness, he can try them!

No need to contact Nicholas Keung Immigration/Diversity Reporter for a retraction unless you are paying taxes!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Looking Back at Iraq

Victor Davis Hanson: But just as importantly, what did these rare Americans not fight for? Oil, for one thing. The price skyrocketed after they went in. The secret deals with Russia and France ended. The U.N. petroleum perfidy stopped. The Iraqis, and the Iraqis alone — not Saddam, the French, the Russians, or the U.N. — now adjudicate how much of their natural resources they will sell, and to whom.
مرگ حق است. آنچه ناحق است، له شدن و کشته شدن به دلیل داشتن اندیشه، باور و عقیده ای متفاوت از اکثریت است.

اینجا را حتما بخوانید...

Friday, May 26, 2006

" راوی: کدام تشکل کدام مبارزه کدام انقلاب بدون رهبری کسی کار از پیش برده ؟ و حالا چه کسی می تواند این رسالت را بر دوش بگیرد ،زمانی ست که هر کسی فقط آرمان های خودش را عنوان می کند و تصور می کند دیگرانی که با سرنگونی رژیم موافقند اصلا" حق اظهار نظر ندارند."

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Kopi Luwak

Iran is a tricky place for the Western Media! We hear about a small village in the middle of Europe, Africa, or Asia... any place or group of people but when it comes to Iran and Iranians... well! Guess what! We are cursed! When something is going on in Iran... there is always something of more importance happening somewhere around the world! If 1000 people are killed in Iran today... they are of less importance compared to what the news of Monkey Bean Coffee maybe to the media!
54 Baha'is arrested in Iran

Bahá'í World News Service: Iranian officials have arrested 54 Baha'is in the city of Shiraz, the Baha'i International Community has learned. It is one of the largest number of Baha'is taken at once since the 1980s. In the 1980s, some 200 Baha'is were killed or executed. Thousands were arrested and hundreds were imprisoned, many for long periods.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Iran: Revolutions Don't Wait for Calendar Dates

Revolutions don't wait for calendar dates. Many times, they happen over seemingly unimportant things. An attempt by the Romanian government to evict a dissident Hungarian Reformed pastor led to fall of Ceausescu’s regime. Probably few Romanians knew about the existence of the pastor before he became part of that nation's history. The Islamic revolution started from an article in the daily Ettela’at. It is time for students, workers, and people across the country to rise up in a coordinated fashion. The mullahs will find it increasingly difficult to continue their rule. The mullahs know it and are therefore scared to death. That's one of the reasons why they are literally begging to talk to the Americans. The idiots think that the Americans are planting the seeds of the revolt or that talking to the Americans will demoralize the people. They are wrong. The mullahs’ rule has expired because the mullahs don't belong to this age. They belong to an age when stoning, mutilation, and blinding were considered the norm. The tolerance of the Army to obey "shoot and kill" orders is limited as demonstrated in Qazvin's unrest in 1995. Therefore, the regime has to rely on its thugs (i.e., IRGC and Basij), but the effectiveness of that force is limited too. A coordinated move will bring down the regime. What is the opposition doing these days?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The protesters in Tabriz. This is so much more than it looks! Who knows maybe Mana Neyestani has started a whole new revolution! After all the last revolution started with an article published by Ettelaat newspaper! The thing is... a small and to some people an insignificant matter can bring on the change!

... and we all know about Ceauşescu!
Photo from the Student committee of human right reporters website

Monday, May 22, 2006

This demonstration in Tabriz is extremely important. As I wrote before... this maybe the beginning of the end! This is not just anything! The cartoons were printed and published by the Iranian regime's Newspaper against the Iranian Azaris/Turks.

در ادامه ی اعتراضاتی که علیه چاپ یک کاریکاتور در روزنامه ی ایران صورت گرفته است، روز دوشنبه شهر تبریز شاهد تظاهرات گسترده ای بود که بنا به گزارش ها به درگیری با مامورین انتظامی انجامیده است. این گزارش ها حاکی است که گروه هایی با طرح شعارهای جدائی طلبانه کوشیده اند، این تظاهرات را به سمت دشمنی میان مردم ایران سوق دهند

همونطوری که چند روز پیش اینجا نوشتم این می تونه آغاز پایان باشه
Eli Lake reports: The regime in Tehran has been more brutal to its opponents in recent months. A video surfaced over the weekend of the leader of Iran's striking bus drivers, Mansour Osanloo, discussing and showing the results of his torture, including a gash on his chin and a hole in his tongue, at the hands of his jailors earlier this year. The torture of Mr. Osanloo was first reported by The New York Sun in March.
A Few Facts About Religious Minorities in Iran

webgardian: "Jewish, Armenian & Asyrian communities have lost more than fifty percent of their members after 1979 revolution. Most of these people left Iran because of discrimination. I remember in 1990's food stores run by religious minorities had to put a paper on their door: This store is run by a religious minority....why is that? Because for many Islamists religious minorities are "Najes" or dirty!!! Christians & Jews lost their own private schools and Islamic government controls all. To get a job first thing is to believe in Islam & Theocracy (Velayate faghi). If you are a Moslem and you are not a believer you can pretend to be a good Moslem but for somebody who belongs to other religion... game is over...or better I say game never starts. Other minorities such as Bahais or Sunnites or Evangelical Protestants or Sufists...get persecuted too."

I might add the Babies and Bahais in Iran get executed.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Ya Allah!

A few nights ago we were at an Iranian party. We just had finished dinner and not to have the food reverse its path... I had to bite my tongue twice and look P straight in the eyes not to even think about exposing our cover! After all we can't tell everyone we don't support his or her Anti Semitic, anti human state of mind. I couldn't believe my ears when this well educated Iranian woman who was in her forties, has lived in the U.S. since her teen years, is married to an American... went off to tell us... 9/11 was planed by the U.S.! And the Jews, a.k.a. top executives were called on the phone to not arrive on time! Being I... I couldn't bite my tongue any more and had to let it run over the dinner table: Well! You know! I think it's because the top executives are always lazy ass! That's why they didn't come on time to get killed!
Food and nothing else!

The little girl was invited to a birthday party earlier today. The food was great but nothing for me to eat! I don't eat pork and I don't drink alcohol. I asked the host, a beautiful dentist, if she has any thing that doesn't have pork in it! She didn't and I had four hours of food free-starving stomach and a big bad headache from thirst and hunger!

Today I thank Lord for letting me to be an Iranian. At least I don't starve when visiting fellow countrymen! If nothing else.... feeding the guests with thousand and one Iranian cuisine is the one thing we come on top!

After all we care for the ghormehsabzi's la'ab more than our political prisoners!
Iran to offer incentives to Europe for recognizing nuclear right

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi said on Wednesday that Tehran would offer economic incentives to the European Union in return for its recognition of Iran's right to enriching uranium for peaceful purposes.

Oh! Well! Lets play some leap frog !

Saturday, May 20, 2006

For the new readers who don't know the case with my parents it will look as if my mother, who passed away from breast cancer a year later, never got to visit me in the U.S. At the time my parents applied for the U.S. visa my mother was a Danish resident with an Iranian passport. My parents wanted to help me during my difficult pregnancy but being Iranian nationals both were denied US visa to travel together. They had to travel one at a time.

Meanwhile my hope for these two very bright Iranian women but with a bit of a twisted mind who make claims of situations they are not fully aware of (this and this one) is happiness and health and less weed. Although one may consider the fact that weeds do a good job keeping skunks and raccoons away and are especially popular in gardening!
Iran Enlists Allies in Nuke Program Battle

Iran is enlisting Syria and the militant Palestinian Hamas group — both also deeply at odds with the United States, Israel and some in western Europe — as allies in the battle over its disputed nuclear program.

Ah! and their Surrealistic Love Triangle...

Friday, May 19, 2006

طبق قانون جدیدی کهمی خواهند به تصویب برسانند هموطنان مسیحی و یهودی ایرانیمان مجبورند که آرم نا مسلمان بودن از خود آویزان کنند! و البته این موردی است که از زمان خاتمی شروع شده و مثلا مغازه های ارمنی در ایران باید بیرون درهایشان می نوشتند که غیر مسلمانند. حالا ببینیم آیا خانم شیرین عبادی درحالیکه در آمریکا در حال سخنرانی است از این مسیله صحبتی می کند؟ ... اگر این قانون روزی به تصویب برسد... چند نفر لب به اعتراض می گشایند؟
Iran's new law would require non-Muslim insignia

Chris Wattie: "Human rights groups are raising alarms over a new law passed by the Iranian parliament that would require the country's Jews and Christians to wear coloured badges to identify them and other religious minorities as non-Muslims."

... even if the insignia story is not true... this is what the Iranian Bahaies, Jews and Christians go through...
... these links were sent by one of my readers...


and yes! I do have fundamental diagreement with people who are driven primarily by hatred towards US and anti-US'ism. I may agree or disagree with US policies but my main concern is Iran and its future.
Niki Akhavan is having a bad day because of my recent posts and making it seem as if my concerns were family matters! But than I can see why she is all bottled up! After all she is married to Raed Jarrar. The same Raed Jarrar who according to this American blogger has been "the guy who glories in and counts and laughs at the deaths of American soldiers, is sitting in the Bay Area, awaiting his green card interview after marrying Niki Akhavan, and now he is trying to figure out how much money the US owes the Iraqi people in general and the JARRAR FAMILY in particular." I guess for Niki Akhavan it is a family problem! Her Husband's case has been sent to the Homeland Security Office!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

In response to Niki Akhavan's comments regarding my recent post "One Iranian at a Time?" I say:

Laughable is the assertion that attending a meeting in the US congress is equivalent to promoting war against Iran.

As for answering your questions...

Here is what I would like to work on.

(1) Understand US visa and immigration policies toward Iranian citizens.

(2) Identify whether the aforementioned individuals have taken advantage of a loophole or special treatment.

(3) Bring it to the attention of ordinary citizens and politicians how someone like Nahavandian, who could indeed have a mission to coordinate terrorist acts on the US soil among others, can enter this country without much problem or scrutiny.

(4) Leverage this awareness to help close down the loopholes or end "special treatments."

In the end, I don't know how long Niki Akhavan has lived in the US but she apparently doesn't have a clue about the way this system works. Citizens' actions, particularly if directed through proper lobbying channels, could wield enormous power in this country. It is a shame that the wealthy, and therefore potentially powerful, Iranian community should allow itself to be subjected to such cynical views.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Begining of the End?

The Iranian regime's Newspaper published this article recently and this is one of those things you simply sense is the beginning of the end!

تشدید اعتراضات علیه اقدام روزنامه "ایران"

"به دنبال توهین روزنامه ی ایران به هموطنان ترک و در ادامه ی اعتراضات علیه این توهین، فروش این روزنامه از روز چهارشنبه از سوی فروشندگان روزنامه در ارومیه تحریم شده و قرار است تجمعات بیشتری در این شهر برگزار شود. در دانشگاه آزاد تبریز اجتماع اعتراضی بزرگی تشکیل شد و در دانشگاه تهران نیز گروهی از دانشجویان دست به اعتراض زدند."

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My mother, a resident of Denmark but an Iranian passport holder was denied visa to visit me during my extremely difficult pregnancy. The US embassy in Copenhagen told my parents "One Iranian at a Time". The question is why the IRI supporters and appeasers fly in and out of US like it is their second home but everyone else is denied a student or tourist visa!
beforethislife: "Rain drops were dancing all over today, on the tree tops, my car's hood, the washed black roads and on the grey wavy waters of marina; they were dancing and hopping to their own tune.... Why both people and raindrops disappear, one way or another and both are forgotten sooner or later? Then what makes a human different from others?"

Monday, May 15, 2006

دوهفته پیش یک ژورنالیست آمریکایی برای مصاحبه آمده بود خونه و بین حرفهای سیاسی و غیره... نحوه پختن ته چین و برانی بادنجون رو هم نوشت!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

"When I come across one of these malcontents (someone who often suffers from the tragedy of knowing just enough about a subject to make them dangerously ignorant), I wonder what in their personal lives led them to have so much hate and fear. When I look at my beautiful baby boy of less than 4 months, I can assuredly testify that people are not born with hate and fear. It must be culturally taught."

Daniel Y. Harris

Friday, May 12, 2006 working on this poem... tonight...


Nothing is all I am
Nothing overloading nothing
Closing the doors,
Opening an extra into an empty space,
Nothing ensues but a further war.

The bombs, lights that blind and Damascus,
Burning after Tehran. Sisters calling in despair,
Brothers callous the arms of infidels. Nothing happens
But children die, and journalists are filming for a deadline.

Nothing comes after nothing but I,
Kneel, cry for nothing,
and still the no shepherd birds burn at flight.

Nothing happens. I walk by the Central Park
Next to nothing, and the no flight zone is
Just nothing yet throat slides over throat,
Bullets shut and blood drops. Here nothing happens
But I write to keep nothing from overloading nothing.

Sheema Kalbasi

Judith Apter Klinghoffer: "The Sudanese president congratulated the Iranian government and people on their “recent nuclear achievement.” He said his country believes that the “God Almighty has been helping Iran and no one can harm that country.”"

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam
Where they cut off your ear
If they dont like your face
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home

We don't have one friend who doesn't hate George Bush and his administration. Funny enough they are Europeans or Iranians who have taken the flight from Iran to the West on Prince Ali's magic carpet!

ما یک دوست و معاشر نداریم که از بوش و دولت حاضر بدش نیاد و فحش نده! جالب اینجاست که همه این دوستان و رفقای ما یا اروپایی هستند و یا ایرانیهایی هستند که سوار قالیچه سلیمان از ایران خارج شده و به غرب آمده اند.
Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi is to be executed in a few days. He is one of many political prisoners in Iran. Please sign this Petition. Think of it as your good deed of the day.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sheema Kalbasi: Of having a world full of foes and no friends, I choose a life without friends than sticking inside a damp matchstick in order to appease those who take other people's right to freedom of speech!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Natural handyman

Like the word definition, my masculine and feminine characteristics have been confusing not only myself but those around me as well! First I wasn't sure if I could be a good handyman! In order to exercise my talents and skills... I moved at a snail's pace under the sink and started working on the stuff I didn't even know their names in any language! While repairing the first set of stuff... the tools and equipments (those I don't recall the names either!!) kept falling on my forehead and eyeballs... when the intense intimacy with the masculine world left me breathless, I decided (as in the loud fashion statements of some post modern Iranians) to allow myself and accept my gender bender qualities and quantities!

As of today... I am officially a handyman!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Sabrina Tavernise: "Many of the chanting Iraqis were from the Tweisa neighborhood, where support for the anti-American cleric Moktada al-Sadr runs high. Mr. Sadr has frequently channeled the anger of impoverished Shiites against American and British forces."

Apparently after the helicopter crash in Basra... some people found it amusing enough to chant and celebrate! I can't get it... how... one can cheer for someone's death... even if S/he had murdered that person's loved one!

بی بی سی: "پس از سقوط هلی کوپتر ( انگلیسی در بصره) درحالی که لاشه آن در آتش می سوخت، جمعيتی از عراقی ها در نزديکی محل حادثه به شادمانی پرداختند."

حرکات عجیب غریب و جلف! من که موندم از این طرز فکر! آدم در مرگ هر کسی... حتی قاتل پدرش هم که باشه که رقص و پایکوبی نمی کنه!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Take a Lantern
Keep it bright
As the lightsource
Of your mind-
Again and again,
Take the inexhaustible fire
As the hopeful cord
of your heart


Thursday, May 04, 2006

بلوزش را بالا کشید و روی پشتش جای شکنجه ها را نشان دارد. رابی-نگاه آبی، رو به من کرد و خواست که سوالهایش را ترجمه کنم... بپرسم که "او" کجا وچطوری شکنجه شده بوده است. رابی آمریکایی، افسر مهاجرت سازمان ملل در اسلام آباد بود. یهودی الاصل و زبان هندی و اردو را بدون لهجه مثل زبان مادریش حرف می زد. عاشق غذاهای تند و دهن سوز بود و موزیک شرقی می نواخت. تنها فرزند خانواده اش بود... "او" ی ایرانی ... ولی فقط به یک زبان تکلم می کرد... زبان درد و هیچ سازی هم نمی نواخت جز تار شکسته هایش!... و لباسهای رنگ و رو رفته اش... همیشه بوی عرق و غم می دادند... خواهر شانزده ساله "او" در تظاهرات مجاهدین در تهران دستگیر شده بود و سالها زندانی بود. خواهر دیگرش هم اعدام شده بود. "او" مدتی پس از مصاحبه اش با رابی، به کانادا مهاجرت کرد... اما مطمینم جای زخمها و سوراخهای پشت "او" با مهاجرتش ترمیم نشده اند... "او" ... فقط یکی از انسانهای ایرانی بود که به جرم عضویت در سازمان مجاهدین خلق (منافقین؟) در ایران شکنجه شده بود و بعد ها هم که از فعالیت و همکاری با مجاهدین خلق دست کشیده بود برای مدتی در اردوگاههای خاص در عراق توسط خود مجاهدین زندانی شده بود.

دیروز که مطلب مربوط به ولی الله فیض مهدوی را (به انگلیسی گذاشتم)... که تا چند روز دیگر حکم اعدامش را ماموران رژیم می خواهد به اجرا دربیاورد... یاد "او" افتادم و تکه و پاره های تنش ...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

سبزها آبیها

به تو فکر می کردم. به لحظه هایی که می آیند و چشم باز نشده می پرند. به تو فکر می کردم و خرگوشهایی که با سفید و لکه های خاکستری لابه لای کاجهای پشت خانه می جهند. به هیزمهای آتش نشده از پارسال که دولا در گرمای ظهر روی هم برشته بافته شده اند. به تپه و بوته هایی که اینجا و آنجا در خلسه فرو رفته اند. به تو فکر می کردم و لحظه ای که رفت و باز برنگشت تا دوباره بگویم بیا! بیا با هم کمی چای چوپونی بنوشیم! آتشی بپا کنیم و کتری سیاه و دود زده امان را با آب و بسته ای چای لیپتون بگذاریم تا قل بزند. زیر خاکسترها ی داغ هم تا رفتن و برگشتن از کوه، سیب زمینی بگذاریم...

اینجا... هر روز بهار، گلهای نارنجی و بنفش و قرمز و زرد را با دستانم کاشته ام و دستکشهای باغبانی ام و کلاهت را به روی دسته های فرغون وارونه می اندازم.

زیر باران و زیر آفتاب... سبزها و آبیهای جهان...
Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi, an Iranian political prisoner is supposed to be executed on May 16. Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi, 28 was arrested in 2001 and subsequently sentenced to death in a kangaroo court. Following the execution of Mojahedin member Hojjat Zamani on February 7, the regime announced a few days before the Persian New Year on March 20 that it would carry out the execution of Mr. Feiz-Mahdavi during New Year holidays.
Christopher Hitchens: "No, what worries me more about Ahmadinejad is his devout belief in the return of the "occulted" or 12th imam and his related belief that, when he himself spoke recently at the United Nations, the whole scene was suffused with a sublime green light that held all his audience in a state of suspended animation. This uncultured jerk is, of course, only a puppet figure with no real power, but this choice of puppet by the theocracy is unsettling in itself. So is Iran's complete lack of embarrassment at being caught, time and again, with nuclear enrichment facilities that have never been declared to the inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency."
Young girl is disciplined by an Imam after she steps on his carpet!

She dared to walk on the prayer carpet of Moustafa Lazrak when he was praying. Where is the love, tolerance, peace from this most holy man?!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My friend of twenty seven years (we went to the same pre-school and are still best friends as of today...) has started blogging in English ... Here.
دوستم که بیست و هفت ساله (از دوران آمادگی و دبستان) ... با همه اختلاف نظرها و تفاوتهای عقیدتی و دیدگاههای اجتماعی ... با هم رفیقیم... وبلاگنویسی رو شروع کرده... سپیده

سه شنبه ها و پنج شنبه ها

سه شنبه ها و پنج شنبه های امسال رو از همه روزهای زندگیم بیشتر دوست دارم... سه شنبه ها و پنج شنبه ها روزهایی هستند که دختر کوچولو رو از کلاس تکواندو میارم و سر راه تو پارکینگ یک کافه ماشین رو پارک می کنم. دست همدیگر رو می گیریم و می ریم با هم نوشیدنی و کیک بخوریم. بین شیر وانیلی و شیر کاکایو یکی رو انتخاب می کنه و بعد می دوه به طرف مبلهای سبز و مخملی و با شوق و ذوق می شینه. با آهنگی که از بلندگوهای کافه پخش می شه آواز می خونه و پاهاش رو تکون می ده و نی رو توی شیرکاکایوش فرو می کنه، مک می زنه و مزه مزه می نوشه. گاهی هم مثل امروز که بارون به پنجره های بلند و قدی کافه می خوره ... از گوشه چشم به زحمت می شه... ماشینها رو تشخیص داد که پشت چراغ قرمز توقف کردند... دختر کوچولو هم که صدای باد نگرانش می کنه... با هر صدای باد و بارون برمی گرده دو زانو روی مبل می شینه و چونه اش رو روی لبه مبل می گذاره و پشت سرش رو نگاه می کنه... بعد دوباره برمی گرده تا بقیه کیک و شیرکاکایوش رو نوش جان کنه...

سه شنبه ها و پنج شنبه ها رو از بقیه روزهای زندگیم خیلی بیشتر دوست دارم... بخصوص وقتی به یادم میارن... تجربه های زندگیم... اینقدر فراز و نشیب داشته که بتونم ببینم... امروز چه کفتارهایی در حالیکه لبالب در سکون فکری غوطه ورند... به بهانه ایسمها و لوژیها و پست مدرنیسمهای خود ساخته کف می زنند... و البته که فرق ملحفه تمیز رو از ملحفه کثیف نمی دونند... و چون توی دستها شون سر آدمی که توسط مامورهای رژیم موقع فرار از مرز کشته شده رو مجبور نشدند ساعتی نگه دارند... با قهر و آشتیها و چشمک... هنوز مشغول بازی دست رشته هستند!

سه شنبه ها و پنج شنبه ها ی قشنگ عمرم رو به خاطر همه نقطه ها و حرفهاشون دوست دارم... و خوشحالم که یادم می اندازن... همیشه سه شنبه ها و پنج شنبه های زندگیم پر از شیرکاکایو یا شیر وانیلی و کیک سیب و سر انگشتهای نوچ دختر کوچولو نبوده!