Monday, June 26, 2006

My friend wrote me today: I have started reading a biography on Alexander II of Russia (by Edward Radzinsky). I would like to share this sentence from the book which actually reminds me of Ganji's statement that he does not believe in revolution.

"Revolution is a destructive effort to leap from Monday directly into Wednesday. But the effort to jump from Monday back to Sunday is just as destructive."
Akbar Ganji:"There is absolutely no consensus on the nuclear issue in Iran and everything that is attributed to be national in this regard is merely ideological propaganda."

"How can you claim the nuclear policy to be nationally supported when the programs were hidden from the public for 15 years?"

Sunday, June 25, 2006

ایران امروز: آرش سيگارچی، سردبير سابق روزنامه گيلان كه به مدت ۱۵ روز به مرخصی آمده بود، به زندان رشت بازگشت.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Iran: the biggest prison for journalists

The Iranian writers association (in Iran) want Esmail Jamshidi, an Iranian journalist who was (re) arrested (?) to be released.

I lived with a Russian Jewish family for a few months back in Denmark. The husband once told me in Russia a bank rubber would get life in prison where as a killer would get seven years. With the Iranian regime in power we top every cruelty and inanity in the world.

Eli Lake: The infamous Saeed Mortazavi this week led Iran's delegation in Geneva to the first session of the United Nation's newly reconfigured human rights panel on Monday, even though Iran is not a member of that panel.

Reconfigured human rights? What a sick sick joke! ... and let me guess! The panel had chocolate bunny after their supper!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Iran: Human Rights Overview

Respect for basic human rights in Iran, especially freedom of expression and opinion, deteriorated considerably in 2005.

Wrong information! For nearly thirty years respect for basic human rights in Iran, and freedom of expression and opinion have deteriorated considerably.

Seeing Khomeini's face on the moon should have been a blast of a night for his supporters!
The UN Security Council and a final betrayal of Darfur

Sudan Tribune: "Despite rapidly escalating violence throughout Darfur and eastern Chad, the UN Security Council refuses to push for urgent measures to protect civilians and humanitarians. Instead, deferential Council members have repeatedly insisted that the genocidaires of the National Islamic Front regime in Khartoum will determine whether an international force deploys to Darfur, even as the regime continues to send explicit signals that it has no intention of allowing for such deployment."

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

اعتراض به حضور مرتضوی در نشست شورای حقوق بشر

IRAN WATCH CANADA: Said Mortazavi the infamous Tehran public prosecutor of the 1410 court division , one of the suspect in the murder case of Zahra Kazemi , and the butcher of hundreds of independent newspaper and the number one enemy of the independent journalists, writers and human rights defenders participated today Monday June 19, 2006 in the opening session of the newly adopted UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

سعید مرتضوی در سویس است؟ طبق نظر این وبلاگر وی باید دستگیر و محاکمه شود.
Ganji: All Roads to Democracy are Closed

At the end of his talk, Ganji reiterated that he opposed revolution. "I am against revolution and view myself as a reformist. I agree with civil disobedience. This is a method that is used all over the world But in Iran civil disobedience bears a very high price. We need the spiritual support of Europe and the world. Human rights are not an internal issue, but a human issue and the concern of the whole world. I criticize Europe for not well treating exiled Iranian journalists. These journalists are under pressure who continue to be viewed as foreigners. Europe must take more steps in the direction of changing this situation. I can raise even more demands but am sure I will receive negative responses. This is why I will stay content with spiritual support."

Monday, June 19, 2006

Iran Is Not In Honolulu City Line

Her recent entry moved me. I haven't been in her shoes but I certainly have experienced a lot of obstacles and injustice because of the Iranian regime. That is why I have zero tolerance in accepting the Iranian regime as a dance partner. We have to have red lines. The Iranian regime is a criminal regime is a criminal regime is a criminal regime.
Up here among the gull cries
We stroll through a maze of pale
Red-mouthed relies, shells, claws

As if it were still.
That season has returned its back.
Though the green sea gardens stall,
Bow, and recover their look
Of the imperishable
Gardens in an antique book...

- Sylvia Plath
Take Action

On Monday, June 12, hundreds of Iranians gathered to demand an end to discriminatory laws against women. They were attacked by police who used pepper spray and batons to beat the peaceful demonstrators, injuring one woman and detaining dozens more. Reports indicate that 70 protestors were detained and interrogated; although most have apparently been released, Ali Akbar Mousavi Khoini, head of the Alumni Association of Iran, a former student leader and Member of Parliament who has been a leading critic of the government's human rights practices for several years, remains in detention.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Gertrude Stein: The whole duty of man consists in being reasonable and just... I am reasonable because I know the difference between understanding and not understanding and I am just because I have no opinion about things I don't understand.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

آزادی ابتدایی ترین و مهم ترین حق انسانست و با این همه بزرگترین و شریفترین نیاز و جان مایه او. در پی توقیف روزنامه ی ایران، مهرداد قاسم فر سردبیر ایران جمعه و مانا نیستانی کاریکاتوریست روزنامه دست گیر و زندانی شدند و اکنون که نزدیک یک ماه است از این ماجرا می گذرد هنوز آزاد نشده اند و از آنان هیچ خبری نیست. ما به نشانه اعتراض به این بازداشت و ادامه آن ، امضای خود را پای این فراخوان می گذاریم .

به جمع امضا کنندگان بپیوندید

Friday, June 16, 2006

اگر واژه ی" خودی وغیر خودی "مطرح است که آن بحث دیگری ست و نباید اسم وبلاگ هامان را در لیست می آوردید و اگر حامیان را از خود می دانید چرا باید مثلا" تعداد معدودی کاغذ که شعار بر روی آن نوشته شده را من و امثال من زمانی ببینند که در هوا پخش کردید و بلافاصله به دست پلیس ها تکه تکه شد؟ ! چرا؟!

برگرفته از وبلاگ آونگ خاطره های ما
Akbar Ganji: "Today the world's security is threatened by totalitarian regimes that don't respect human rights and are an obstacle to the democratisation process."

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Always Seek Truth and Practice It

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Associated Press: "Iranian police with batons and shields beat women's rights demonstrators in a downtown Tehran square Monday, injuring one protester and detaining 20."

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Human Rights First: Iranian Women Demand Equal Legal Status

On Monday, June 12, Iranian women will gather in Tehran to demand equal rights, including equality of women before the court and in family law, the banning of polygamy, an increase in the age of legal responsibility for girl and boy children to 18 years old, and the reform of employment laws which disadvantage female employees.

Iran: Six of sixteen Ahwazis on trial face execution

According to information received by the Mohamara News Agency (Mona), six of 16 Ahwazis on trial in the revolutionary court in Ahwaz City have been convicted of "waging war on God" and are set to face execution.
رژیم حاکم بر ایران دیگه جنایتی هست که نکرده باشه؟ دروغی هست که نگفته باشه و رذالتی هست که نشون نداده باشه؟ عکس چهارتا برادر اهوازی که در ایران محکوم به اعدام شده اند.

Ganji has challenged the legitimacy of Iran's Islamic establishment. He has also said that democracy cannot be achieved under the country's current political system.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Kitchen Table Wisdom

The stove is burned black but the few bean-brain regime-sympathizers keep banging their head against the battered stove.

The world is moving forward! Upgrade your recipes!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Iran and the caring journalist

Karl Vick whose articles are dead wrong when analyzing Iran reports: "If Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's image in the West is that of a banty radical dangerously out of touch with reality a psychopath of the worst kind, the prevailing impression in Iran is precisely the opposite."

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Albert Camus:I shall tell you a great secret my friend. Do not wait for the last judgement, it takes place every day.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Barley or Grain

With the wonderful and encouraging news of a U.S. Talk, the Iranian regime is wondering whether they should munch barley back in their stall or from a sack full of grain.

Deal or No Deal

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.

- Djalal ad-Din Rumi

Adrian, a human rights activists and a fellow Danish (don't forget I am a Danish citizen) got me into deep soul searching and this cartoonist's works. With the real deal going on and the pulling and pushing game of politics I decided to post this cartoon so that a regular guy in Milwaukee or South Lake City knows what's coming in the sack!

Hvad synes du om politikernes fremtidsplan?
Iraq The Model: "What worries me a lot is hearing people in Iraq in particular and in the Middle East in general saying that this region not good enough a land for democracy and that these countries will always need dictators to put things in order and preserve security and stability.

The indisputable fact is that dictatorship did not lead us to become an advanced nation and I never heard of a dictatorship that was able to make a nation free and advanced and the results we reached from decades of dictatorship was nothing we could ever be proud of."

Kaveh L Afrasiabi: Yet what is surprising is the deep well of negatives that soaks this announcement as well as the naive assumption that the mere offer of talks would somehow persuade Iran to shelve its nuclear program.

Who is this guy? Another regime mouthpiece?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Breaking their balls?

Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khamenei repeatedly has called any one who is interested in a "Talk" with the U.S. a bigheyrat (those who don't have the balls). Now his feetsitters are telling us a "Talk" is a good idea?!

Ah! By the way let us read what our friend has to say this time!